On June 15, 2024, Bishop Déogratias NSHIMIYIMANA delivered a comprehensive report on the Church’s activities over the past decade, based on the strategic plan for 2014-2024. Elections for new church leaders also took place during this session.

Over the past ten years, Burundi Free Methodist Church has undertaken 20 significant projects. Spiritually, one of the major achievements has been the strengthening of evangelism, leading to a more than 60% of believers since 2015. Today, the Church has approximately 250,000 members spread across 293 parishes. The Church has heavily invested in the training of pastors and teachers to help them fulfill their missions more effectively. The book “The New Reformation (Intango nshasha),” written by Bishop Déogratias NSHIMIYIMANA, has been an invaluable resource for local church leaders, guiding them in their reflection on the path to salvation.

To spread the good news, educational materials have been developed for biblical teaching in communities and primary schools.

In terms of development, the Church has established the Center for Integral Development Planning (CPDI) in alignment with the 2014-2024 strategic plan. This center includes health and microfinance programs that are currently being implemented successfully. The construction of the new Church headquarters in Rohero has also begun.

In the agricultural and livestock sector, the Church has promoted modern skills. To date, 95 leaders have been trained at Hope Africa University to disseminate these skills across all parishes. The “Sowers of Hope” project is also a key initiative in this area.

Regarding health, the Church has strengthened its services by building a Health Center in Burenza, in Ruyigi Province, to serve populations far from other healthcare facilities.

All these achievements, among others, were detailed in the report presented by the Bishop during this sixth General Conference.

Following the report, elections were held to appoint the new church leaders of Burundi Free Methodist Church:

✅ Bishop: Déogratias NSHIMIYIMANA was re-elected unanimously with 100% of the votes (53/53), confirming the renewed confidence of the General Conference. He expressed his commitment to work closely with anyone who brings constructive ideas for the Church.

✅ Executive Secretary: Reverend Evariste BIMENYIMANA was also re-elected unanimously with 100% of the votes (53/53).

✅ Bishop’s Deputy and Legal Representative: Reverend Raoul DUKORE, Superintendent of the Western Annual Conference, was elected with 45 votes out of 53, surpassing Reverend Timothée BINZINDAVYI, Superintendent of the Musenyi District.

✅ Director of Finance: Marie Ange MANARIYO was elected with 52 out of 53 votes, missing only one vote.

The Sixth General Conference was marked by a spirit of fellowship and solidarity dedicated to the development of Burundi Free Methodist Church.

Last modified: June 19, 2024